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OSSTEM MS Implant | 197773
Beratung & Information

91,00€ zzgl. MwSt.

108,29€ inkl. MwSt.

  • Zustand: Neu / Angebote / Aktionen
  • Hersteller: Osstem
  • Typ: MS Implant
  • Anbieter: DEUTSCHE OSSTEM GmbH
  • Ort: 65760 Eschborn

MS Implant

Narrow Ridge

Suitable for Narrow Bone Width or Narrow Inter-Dental Area

Abutment is designed in the shape of prepped mandibular anterior teeth, so prosthesis is possible without modification (If necessary, modify with irrigation). Implant and abutment are integrated, therefore, show high degree of long-term stability

MS Denture

Suitable for Edentulous Patient with Narrow Bone Width

Compatible with o-ring systems from TS, SS and US

MS Provisional

Temporary Implant for Immediate Delivery of Temporary Prosthesis

Easy-to-remove small thread (Depth 0.25) and machined surface. Path compensation is possible by bending the neck to adjust to various clinical cases for temporary use

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Mergenthalerallee 35-37
65760 Eschborn
Telefon: +49 (0) 6196 777 5501
Mobil: +49(0)173 3592304